Reasons to Watch One More Netflix Series

Stop, you don't need another. Instead...

If you haven't watched the movie Hacksaw Ridge yet, I suggest you do so today, maybe even before you finish reading this post. I'll keep this short so you can get on that. 

Desmond Doss went to war as a conscientious objector. He chose not to carry a weapon throughout his time in combat, insisting that he enlisted to help save lives but would have no part in taking them. He saved over 75 wounded men from an active battlefield one by one, dragging them any way he could out of danger. When he, the enemy and his wounded comrades were the only souls left on the battlefield he kept searching for them, all the while praying to God, "Just help me find one more."

The immensity of Desmond Doss' service is not lost on me. The impact of his resolve and the fortitude of his character are something I can only aspire to understand. But the simplicity of his message hit me so hard that the enormity of his legacy became a tangible, bite size mantra. 

Just one more.

Work gets stressful, family gets overwhelming, relationships feel heavy because we see all problems at once. We see the enormity of what's asked of us as professionals, as friends, as family members and as humans. We get so caught up in the summit that we forget there's really only one step between us and that summit. And then one more. 

I've never been good at bite size pieces. I've always been more of a King Size Hershey's bar girl myself - but this movie reminded me it's not about where you need to be tomorrow, it's about where your heart is focused for the next hour.

Desmond Doss didn't go to war with the intention of fighting for his Constitutional right to piss off his CO and refuse to carry a rifle. He didn't go to war to have his name read at the Oscars in 2017. He did it to save at least one life. And then another.

Whatever your battle, focus on the first step. Then take one more.